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Quality policy and quality management system

Quality and environmental policy 

Optimising our customers' satisfaction and protecting the environment are among the overriding principles of W.A.S. Wietmarscher Polska Sp. z o.o.. 

Quality is measured by our customers. It is their assessment of the quality of our products and services that is decisive. 

Every employee contributes to ensuring appropriate quality standards through their personal actions. 

To achieve the quality and environmental goals of our company, we continuously strive to improve our processes during: Development, production, service, and sales of special vehicles, in particular ambulances and survey vehicles, as well as furniture and vehicle body components. Sales and service of medical equipment. 

Aiming for continuous improvement, we place the main emphasis on: 

  • continuous promotion of the quality and environmental aspect through appropriate management at all levels of the company and pollution prevention, 

  • compliance with standards and legislation and other quality and environmental requirements relevant to our activities 

  • the continuous development of employee competence, through the implementation of training courses 

  • continuous improvement of technology including: 

  • the description of operations and processes in the order of the most optimal in a defined standard time. 

  • all quality parameters described in measurable terms 

  • all drawings, tools, templates and materials needed to perform the individual operations, 

  • continuous analysis of quality errors and repair plans, 

  • continuous improvement of the company's efficiency by comparing the current time to the standard time of a given operation, 

  • delegating responsibility to the lowest level of staff, through motivation and raising professional competence, 

  • setting measurable KPI targets: daily, monthly and yearly for employees, 

  • regularly reviewing and adjusting the quality and environmental objectives set, 

  • developing cooperation with our partners, 

  • paying attention to our stakeholders and providing the resources and information necessary for mutual cooperation. 

  • integrate our suppliers and contractors into our quality and environmental management system if necessary, 

  • maintain and continuously improve our quality and environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 

  • comply with the requirements of the NF 377 - "Fire Brigade Equipment" mark 

  • Implementing the quality and environmental policy as well as taking quality assurance measures is the responsibility of every employee in the company. 

  • We want to ensure that all company processes that have an impact on quality and the environment are planned, controlled and supervised on an ongoing basis. Aspects of our business that have an impact on the environment are integrated into the decision and action structure of the entire management system. 

We regard environmental protection and compliance with health, safety and fire safety regulations as an important management task. Superiors play a decisive role in this by setting an example and taking responsibility for decisions, as environmental protection requires all employees to act responsibly and consciously. 


Andrzej Kurian